

  • 非魚
  • 無角叉菜膠
  • 提取自藻類
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 每粒軟凝膠 1000 毫克藻油
  • 500 毫克總 DHA/EPA
  • 無明膠!全素
  • Life'sDHA Plus EPA

由從海洋以外生長的微藻中提取的歐米伽-3 油制成。


全素® - 本產品無動物產品、衍生品或副產品。素食、全素食。本產品已在素食協會注冊。


成年人每天 1 粒素食軟膠囊,可與食物同服,或遵醫囑。

網路價:892元,結帳享5%折扣後 848


  • Established 1971
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • Non-Constipating
  • Gentle on Stomach
  • Supports Energy
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non GMO Certified By NSF
  • Albion Minerals
  • Kosher Parve
  • Certified B Corporation

— Our Pledge of Integrity —

  • Authenticity
  • Cleanliness
  • Freshness
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy

An advanced iron supplement that contains Ferrochel, a type of iron that is non-constipating and gentle on the stomach. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells. These red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body to support the body’s energy.

YESNon-GMO Verified by TRU NorthNOYeast or wheat
YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org◎NOSoy or Milk
YESCertified Vegan by the AVA◎NOSalt or Preservatives
YESRecyclable PackagingNOArtificial Colors, Flavors or Sweeteners
YESManufacturing Supports Wind Power
YESKosher Parve

This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/clf/clf02659/u/8.jpg">


  • Established 1971
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • Non-Constipating
  • Gentle on Stomach
  • Supports Energy
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non GMO Certified By NSF
  • Albion Minerals
  • Kosher Parve
  • Certified B Corporation

— Our Pledge of Integrity —

  • Authenticity
  • Cleanliness
  • Freshness
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy

An advanced iron supplement that contains Ferrochel, a type of iron that is non-constipating and gentle on the stomach. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells. These red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body to support the body’s energy.

YESNon-GMO Verified by TRU NorthNOYeast or wheat
YESCertified Gluten-Free by GFCO.org
NOSoy or Milk
YESCertified Vegan by the AVA
NOSalt or Preservatives
YESRecyclable PackagingNOArtificial Colors, Flavors or Sweeteners
YESManufacturing Supports Wind Power

YESKosher Parve

This product has been manufactured at a GMP Registered facility.



網路價:326元,結帳享5%折扣後 310


  • 基於科學的營養
  • 有助於支持機體抵抗、心臟和骨骼健康
  • 膳食補充劑
  • Non-GMO/無麩質/無大豆

Doctor's Best 維生素 D3 能夠提供人體所需維生素 D3(膽鈣化醇),有助於調節體內磷、鈣含量,保護骨骼、牙齒和心臟健康。維生素 D3 可通過人體皮下受紫外線照射後產生,食物來源的維生素 D3 十分有限。抗曬產品的使用和氣候因素可能導致人體維生素 D3 水準低下。維生素 D3 有助於保護機體抵抗系統、心血管系統和細胞功能健康,保持正常骨密度和骨骼結構。維生素 D3 在人體多數器官和系統中發揮作用,同時對機體抵抗系統的化學信使也具有一定影響。

  • 有助於通過調節鈣磷比來保護骨骼和牙齒健康
  • 有助於支持機體抵抗和心臟健康
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/drb/drb00210/u/46.jpg">


  • 基於科學的營養
  • 有助於支持機體抵抗、心臟和骨骼健康
  • 膳食補充劑
  • Non-GMO/無麩質/無大豆

Doctor's Best 維生素 D3 能夠提供人體所需維生素 D3(膽鈣化醇),有助於調節體內磷、鈣含量,保護骨骼、牙齒和心臟健康。維生素 D3 可通過人體皮下受紫外線照射後產生,食物來源的維生素 D3 十分有限。抗曬產品的使用和氣候因素可能導致人體維生素 D3 水準低下。維生素 D3 有助於保護機體抵抗系統、心血管系統和細胞功能健康,保持正常骨密度和骨骼結構。維生素 D3 在人體多數器官和系統中發揮作用,同時對機體抵抗系統的化學信使也具有一定影響。

  • 有助於通過調節鈣磷比來保護骨骼和牙齒健康
  • 有助於支持機體抵抗和心臟健康


成年人用量:每日 1 粒軟膠囊,隨食物服用,或遵照醫生指示。

網路價:179元,結帳享5%折扣後 171